Female security prisoners incarcerated in the Sharon Prison rioted against prison guards at noon Sunday.The riot erupted while the prisoners were in the prison-yard when one of the prisoners, Amana Mona, refused to stand for a routine head count, guards reported.
Amana Mona, 25, of Bir Naballah, is serving a life term for the murder of Ofir Rahum of Ashkelon. In January 2001, Mona used the Internet to lure the 16-year-old youth to Ramallah, where he was murdered by two Fatah terrorists. After her trial, Mona told reporters that she was proud of her actions.
During the riot the prisoners threw boiling oil and cleaning liquid at the guards, wounding two lightly. The guards managed to disperse the female prisoners using water jets. The inmates were returned to their cells and the wing sealed off.
Riots that broke out in the prison in February of this year were also attributed to Mona's insubordination: after the inmate prevented wardens from entering her cell to take her cellmate for medical treatment, violence erupted in which three wardens were lightly wounded.
Simultaneously, Palestinian youth incarcerated in the prison's security wing began banging on the cell doors and rioting. Prison guards restored calm after firing tear gas.