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« "We will be here forever" | Main | Gam Zu L'Tovah ~ Everything is for the Good »

Thursday, 28 April 2005


This is so sad... so pathetic. There is no justification for the protestors to be treated this way. Things like this make me wonder if we deserve to live in eretz yisrael. Maybe we don't... hence the Sharon withdrawal plan.
I have photos showing much worse than this - a "security" goon stabbed one of the protestors, beat up kids. Then, in that raid in the Satmar synagogue more of the same happened. The police reported to the media that they did the Satmar raid because they were defending themselves. However, MDA and local emergency rooms confirmed that there were NO injured police officers and plenty of injured Haredim. The police then apologized to Rabbi Porush for saying that there were injured officers, saying the report was "erroneous" - but did not make this apology public. In that attack on the synagogue, a seven-year-old boy had his arm and leg broken by the police. It took six hours of surgery to piece together the fragmented bones. It is easy to blame the victims, it has been done time and time again. Whoever that woman was who blamed the Haredim for being in the line of a billyclub, a knife and the ruthless hands of these police ought to join ranks with those who blame Holocaust and pogrom victims for their deaths. If these hands of the police could inflict such horrible wounds on mere children, we can only infer that at this point, HaYadayim Yedei Eisav."

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