This spooky bit is from David Horowitz, who's plugging his new book, The Shadow Party.
"Now it's our party! We bought it, we own it!" leader referring to the Democratic Party.Radical leftist Eli Pariser -- one of the organizers and leaders of -- made the above statement following the 2004 elections. How could Pariser make such a statement?Simple. A cadre of leftist billionaires -- chief among them, megalomaniac George Soros -- contributed more than $300 million to liberal candidates and groups in 2004. Thus, as far as Pariser and his masters are concerned, what was once a great party of ideas and leadership sold itself to them in 2004.
A small but enormously powerful group of radical forces are undermining America's unity! And unless we get the word out far and wide, they'll fulfill their plan and come power in 2008. Why? Because right now, as it did 40 years ago, the radical left in America has in motion a plan to cost the United States a victory in war and topple a President in the process....
Read The Shadow Party and you'll discover that a small, powerful and radically left network of individuals and private organizations are in virtual control of the Democratic Party today. Through it they're influencing American politics. But they operate behind the scenes because they know the overwhelming majority of Americans don't and won't share their anti-American agenda.
I think I might read Destructive Generation: Second Thoughts About The '60's first. You know, work my way up to the present.