I participated in an amazing bloggers' conference call with Mark Steyn this afternoon. Yes, he does speak as well as he writes, which is better than just about anybody alive.
The sheer breadth of what Steyn is able and willing to discuss is pretty phenomenal, and it was a lot of fun to hear firsthand. Fun may not be the right word; after all, he was pitching his new book:
America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It
Rather than blog the call, I'm going to get the book and read it. Lots and lots of great bloggers were on the call, so follow their links at One Jerusalem and if you have time, listen to the whole thing. It probably runs over an hour.
Blogging, I just see the trees, one after another. Steyn has us look at the forest.
For the first time I am deeply considering the possibility probability that I won't live to see the end of this global jihad, and for now at least, my mind is pretty much stuck on that.