I was starting to feel better, even normal, but this story gets me in the gut every time.
Flopping Aces has a response from AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll, in the case of their nonexistent news sources filing imaginary stories. It’s really not much of a response; they’re standing by their reporting, to no one’s surprise. At no point does Carroll deal with the major issue—the only issue, really: that enemy sources are using Western news gathering networks, specifically the Associated Press and Reuters, to disseminate propaganda. They refuse to deal with this endemic rot, even though the corruption has been exposed over and over again.
You should follow the link to Flopping Aces. Curt's really done a superb job (and he even made mention in the New York Times - very impressive). You have to read the AP's response to believe it. According to them, they're out there getting the real stories: "Good reporting relies on more than government-approved sources." The problem, as Curt explains, is that there's no proof of some of these stories, only "sources" the AP refers to as Iraqi policemen, only they really aren't.
So, if you believe the AP, the government doesn't want us to know how bad it is in Iraq, so they're tight on approved sources. But if, OTOH, you believe the evidence (or lack thereof), miscellaneous terrorists are feeding dhimmedia lies and these dumbass reporters are just regurgitating them... all over the world... and it's affecting what we in America think and how we vote... and well, Gd help us.
How will we ever know what's true?
I've thought for a long time that the "slant" of dhimmedia - their phrasing and word choice, what they put in and what they omit and what they hide away where no one will see it - is despicable. Then we started seeing news photos that were staged and or photo-shopped. Now there's this, and it's the worst of all. It puts me completely over the edge. How much of what we've read - and what I've posted on this blog - consists of bogus terrorist lies?
Have you and I been patsies, too, just further down the line? There's simply no way to know.
(Patsy: slang for a person taken advantage of, cheated; perhaps from the Italian, pazzo, fool.)