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Thursday, 28 December 2006


I'll pass this along.
If you criticize England no one says you racist towards the church of england, why are you jews so special. Criticizing Israel is not racisim or anti-semitism. I am a 26 year old American whose father is from syria and mom from the U.S., I am a semite. Arabs are semites, most people who live in israel are european not semites. You pro-zionists are anti-semetic when it comes to the way you treat arabs. and what is so wrong with CNI's goals you list, they want israel to follow the U.N. partition of palestine plan, you know the one, your country uses it to justify it's existence in it's declaration of independence. but thats it you don't follow any other provisons it lists say not expanding borders through military action, don't take Jerusalam as your capital. You jews don't follow shit, your hyprocrits
If you criticize England no one says you racist towards the church of england, why are you jews so special. Criticizing Israel is not racisim or anti-semitism. I am a 26 year old American whose father is from syria and mom from the U.S., I am a semite. Arabs are semites, most people who live in israel are european not semites. You pro-zionists are anti-semetic when it comes to the way you treat arabs. and what is so wrong with CNI's goals you list, they want israel to follow the U.N. partition of palestine plan, you know the one, your country uses it to justify it's existence in it's declaration of independence. but thats it you don't follow any other provisons it lists say not expanding borders through military action, don't take Jerusalam as your capital. You jews don't follow shit, your hyprocrits
If you criticize England no one says you racist towards the church of england, why are you jews so special. Criticizing Israel is not racisim or anti-semitism. I am a 26 year old American whose father is from syria and mom from the U.S., I am a semite. Arabs are semites, most people who live in israel are european not semites. You pro-zionists are anti-semetic when it comes to the way you treat arabs. and what is so wrong with CNI's goals you list, they want israel to follow the U.N. partition of palestine plan, you know the one, your country uses it to justify it's existence in it's declaration of independence. but thats it you don't follow any other provisons it lists say not expanding borders through military action, don't take Jerusalam as your capital. You jews don't follow shit, your hyprocrits
If you criticize England no one says you racist towards the church of england, why are you jews so special. Criticizing Israel is not racisim or anti-semitism. I am a 26 year old American whose father is from syria and mom from the U.S., I am a semite. Arabs are semites, most people who live in israel are european not semites. You pro-zionists are anti-semetic when it comes to the way you treat arabs. and what is so wrong with CNI's goals you list, they want israel to follow the U.N. partition of palestine plan, you know the one, your country uses it to justify it's existence in it's declaration of independence. but thats it you don't follow any other provisons it lists say not expanding borders through military action, don't take Jerusalam as your capital. You jews don't follow shit, your hyprocrits
April 2, 2008 Boker Tov, Boulder! Cc: ADL Cc: Front Page Magazine To the Writer/Editor/Publisher: On behalf of the Council for the National Interest, I must state our collective concern at your description of our organization. The post dated Thursday, 28 December 2006 is misleading at best and in many places inaccurately incriminating. You cite the Anti-Defamation League and Front Page Magazine in the post, both will be receiving letters from us. On behalf of our board, staff and members, we demand that you remove the libelous material or print a retraction that will correct it with the following statements. First of all, the Council for the National Interest is not anti-Semitic or anti-Israeli. We call for accountability as a tenet of democracy. Criticism of Israel (or any democracy for that matter) is no more anti-Semitic than criticism of George W. Bush is un-patriotic. CNI calls for Israel to be held to the same standards as any other state receiving U.S. foreign aid. CNI in no way advocates violence against Israel or any other party. We are especially against the use of nuclear weapons and have been outspoken in our advocacy against proliferation. CNI does not associate with terrorists. Nor does it accept any form of funding from the U.S. or any foreign government. CNI is NOT an off-shoot of the American Educational Trust, nor are we affiliated with the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. Pete McCloskey and Abdurahman Alamoudi are no longer associated with CNI. Alamoudi was removed from our Board and all ties with him were severed as soon as the Board learned of his indictment. Neither of these individuals speaks for CNI, and CNI does not presume to speak for them. CNI seeks to encourage and promote a U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East that is consistent with American values, protects our national interests, and is guided by the principles of justice, freedom and peace. Thank you, Melissa Fleissner Program Assistant The Council for the National Interest 1250 4th Street, SW Suite WG-1 Washington, DC 20024 [email protected]
rachamim ben ami
Ms. Fleissner, your organisation is in direct violation of US Laws (per the junket to meet with leaders of HAMAS, Hezbollah, et al), so, at the very least, before threatening legal action against anyone you need to look in the mirror. As for being "anti-Jewish," while claiming to not longer associate with "Pete" McCloskey, he was a co-founder of your org. as well as an avid supporter of the IHR. His public admiration for Holocaust Denial pretty much tells any rational person what it needs to know. Propgandaists and fantasists come a dime a dozen.
You Zionists, Jewish & Christian alike are encouraging & causing the increase in Anti Israel, Anti Zionists sentiments. You go on & on obsessing, looking out constantly for any little mention of your group so that you can go on the offense. Always playing the victim. Don't you realize that just as blacks contribute to the increase of racism towards them you are playing the same game? They never shut up about how they are/were the victims. I just found out that NAACP was started by Jews why? Rumor has it so as to increase racism & cause discord amongst the Gentiles. Yes Gentiles the ones your Torah recognizes as animals so I have read.Oh the internet what a great educator. I have learned so much and I do not support my country in their support of Israel. I want the financial support to end. Americans deserve & need that money not Israel. I do not support my country supporting any other country financially unless we have the money to spare & another country has a true need (to keep from starving etc.) The more you cram Israel & its support down the American peoples throats the more you will find resistance. Israel is wrong in the way it has taken land & has disregarded others human rights. I do not feel it is America's responsibility to help support people who are oppressors to other's. You have become more paranoid and rightly so because due to Israel's aggressive, barbaric behaviors more people have grown to dislike what Israel represents. Until you wake up & speak out against the oppressors you will not find peace. You will forever be out looking for & finding the discord you fight against.

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