Calling all bloggers. This story could use some traction.
Readers may or may not know that The Council for the National Interest Foundation ran a full-page anti-Israel ad in The New York Times on Christmas Eve: "Is Bethlehem Dying?"
Unfortunately, the only place I can find to look at the ad is on an anti-Israel blog called Sabbah's Blog. Click here to go there.
While others are working on the possibility of running a counter ad of some sort (a full page costs $100,000), I've been looking into the "Council."
A backgrounder at the ADL tells us that
The Council for the National Interest (CNI) is an anti-Israel organization which is opposed to U.S. aid to Israel and disseminates demonizing propaganda about Israel to academics, politicians, and other audiences.This gets pretty gross. The ADL informs us further that CNI's chairman is Paul N. "Pete" McCloskey, who spoke at a conference of the IHR (Institute for Historical Review), which the ADL terms a "Holocaust-denial organization."In a December 2006 solicitation letter, CNI stated that "despite Congress's repeated attempts to characterize Hamas as an anti-Christian terrorist organization, the fact is that Hamas has just announced that they will give [money] for Bethlehem's Christmas celebration." It followed similar statements in support of the Palestinian terror organization and several meetings in the Middle East earlier in 2006 between CNI representatives and key leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah, including Khaled Mishal and Hassan Nasrallah, as well as Syrian president Bashar Assad.
CNI has run inflammatory anti-Israel ads in major national newspapers since 2002. In an ad that it published in the New York Times on November 5, 2006, it blamed Israel for the war in Iraq and accused the "Israel Lobby" of trying to of push the U.S. into a new military confrontation with Iran. The ad included a cartoon in which the "Israel Lobby" is depicted as a crooked used cars salesman and the U.S. as its gullible customer....
Especially distressing is the fact that CNI was founded
in 1989 by several former U.S. government officials, including Paul Findley and McCloskey (both former U.S. congressmen), Andrew Killgore (former U.S. ambassador to Qatar), Eugene H. Bird (formerly with the U.S. foreign service) and Richard Curtiss (former U.S. Information Agency chief). CNI is an offshoot of the Washington D.C.-based American Educational Trust (AET), an anti-Israel group that publishes the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs. has a lot more on both CNI and its "sister" organization, the CNIF, which paid for the ad.
CNI enumerates its organizational goals as follows:CNI seeks to help achieve the foregoing objectives by coordinating its efforts with local and regional activist organizations; making use of "local and national full-page newspaper advertising and email lists to build the organization"; and sponsoring public hearings and seminars on Capitol Hill, for which it attracts big-name speakers such as Ralph Nader and Hanan Ashrawi.
- Total withdrawal of Israel from all occupied territory ...
- A shared Jerusalem, the capital of two states, Israel and Palestine.
- An end to all acts of aggression, provocation, and retaliation by Israel and the end of all violence and attempts to solve the problem by military means. This includes terrorism committed against Israelis as well as the state terrorism committed by Israel against Palestinians.
- American recognition of a totally independent state of Palestine.
- An elimination of all unaudited U.S. aid to Israel.
- Normalized relations with Israel, her neighbors, and regional organizations such as the Arab League.
- A political atmosphere in which a fair and objective media covers the Middle East without fear of retaliation by advertisers and pro-Israeli groups; the American electorate is unafraid to debate the issues openly and frankly; and our elected officials vote their conscience.
The information at DiscoverTheNetwork is a tad dated, having been adapted from a 2004 article written by Stuart Wagner and Elon Granader, and published by Front Page Magazine: Council for Islamic Interests. There, the authors go right straight to the CNIF's associations with individuals who support and preach terror.
One such individual is Abdurahman Alamoudi. Alamoudi sits in a Virginia jail cell facing a 19-count indictment, including federal charges of money laundering and illegal financial transactions with Libya.In addition, he has allegedly provided financial assistance to both Hamas and al-Qaeda and recently revealed his role in Moammar Gadhafi’s alleged plot to assassinate Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah. Yet, Mr. Alamoudi still serves as a member of the CNIF board of directors and has done so since 1998, according to the group’s website (
CNIF had to have been aware of Alamoudi’s radical views, even before his arrest. Alamoudi made national news when he publicly praised Hamas and Hezbollah at an October 2000 rally in front of the White House: “I have been labeled by the media in New York to be a supporter of Hamas…Anybody support Hamas here? Hear that, Bill Clinton? We are all supporters of Hamas. I wish they added that I am also a supporter of Hezbollah.”
You can read a long and damning profile of Alamoudi here, which btw, is also quite damning (by association) of both former President Clinton and his wife.
While I go see what else I can find out, you might want to think about how we might best act to discredit the horrendous propaganda these organizations are putting in the enemedia, that is, The New York Times in particular.
I'll just leave you with this quote. On December 29, 1996, Alamoudi told a meeting of the Illinois-based Islamic Association of Palestine,
"I think if we were outside this country, we can say, 'Oh, Allah, destroy America,' but once we are here, our mission in this country is to change it. There is no way for Muslims to be violent in America, no way. We have other means to do it."
I'm calling Lenny in Cleveland, so if you see him, tell him to listen to his messages.
(Where's the Israel Lobby when you need them?)
Answer (update): Herzliya.
UPDATES / See Also
Marty Peretz: Exodus from Bethlehem
Soccer Dad: Council for the self-interest
Israel Matzav: Council for the whose? national interest
The Council for the National Interest is also in the bracelet business, wants you to sign a petition about holding Israel's "right-wing government" [don't I wish?] accountable for their "land-hungry policies," and wants AIPAC to be required to register as a Foreign Agent... in America... in order to "Contain the Israel Lobby." UFB.
Oh, and if you have a ton of time on your hands, you should check out CNI's FAQs on the Disengagment by Diana Buttu, though it sounds a bit dated to me:
The [poorpalestinian] Ministry of Planning is currently revising its regional plan for the evacuated areas and aims to build hospitals, schools and housing projects as well as tourist locations in the areas evacuated by Israel.Name one, Ms. Buttu.
Posted by: Jack | Friday, 29 December 2006 at 01:25 PM
Posted by: Jordan | Tuesday, 04 September 2007 at 07:56 PM
Posted by: Jordan | Tuesday, 04 September 2007 at 07:56 PM
Posted by: Jordan | Tuesday, 04 September 2007 at 07:56 PM
Posted by: Jordan | Tuesday, 04 September 2007 at 07:56 PM
Posted by: Melissa | Friday, 04 April 2008 at 11:47 AM
Posted by: rachamim ben ami | Thursday, 14 August 2008 at 01:04 PM
Posted by: Cheryl | Sunday, 02 November 2008 at 05:46 PM