I don't know how I missed this back in September, when Omri caught Matthew Yglesias comparing Bush ((unfavorably)) to Ahmadgenocide -- in a nauseating post called Mahmoun's Style:
... Ahmadinejad has a pretty sweet hipster style. It all starts with a beard not unlike the one I and many of my twentysomething male friends sport. But it goes deeper. The man went without a tie to address the UN General Assembly. And I was in a bar where the TV was showing his interview with Anderson Cooper
(it's DC, these things happen) and while there was no sound, he certainly looked witty and charming. There was also this clip of him walking down some hallway shooting the shit with Kofi Annan. It's like diplomacy! Bush should try it. One gets the sense that he's getting his stody red tie-wearing ass kicked this session by sundry third world goons and it's really not a proud moment for the United States.
Yeah, and Hitler had "a passion about cut flowers in his home."
Yglesias is hardly the first to sanitize evil (Home & Gardens beat him to it by about seven decades) and likely we'll see more efforts in the years to come. That doesn't mean, however, that we don't object. We must continually work to counter lies with truth.... as Bibi is doing these days in Europe:
Ahmadinejad must be tried in the Hague
Netanyahu pointed a finger at the UN and the international community for not taking timely action to prevent genocide, as happened in Rwanda and Bosnia. "In the 30's too no one believed that Hitler was capable of taking action because he didn't explicitly talk about wiping out the Jewish people. In contrast, the Iranian president publicly announces his intentions, and no one is trying to stop him," he said.
And as for "style," I much prefer the archetypal American masculinity look ... with or without a tie.
Oh and btw, this raghead is Matthew Yglesias, okay?