Someone gave my daughter a savings bond, a Patriots Bond actually, for a bat mitzvah gift. So today I looked it up to see how it worked, and I discovered this thread of comments:
Should the Gov. buy a $5,000 Baby Bond for every child born in the United States?NY Senator and Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton has proposed on Sept 28th that every child born in the United States should get a $5,000 ''baby bond'' from the gov. to help pay for costs of college or buying a home. What do you think?
I was going to post some of the responses, but I don't know if you would share my fascination. I think it's so interesting because I'm always curious about what the Average American thinks. But where do you find him/her? At Maybe.
Anyway, there are 201 responses so far - 33 For, 42 Neutral and 125 Against - and none of them are mine.
If that doesn't interest you, then go check out the "Old War Time Bond Posters and Ads." I wouldn't mind seeing some of them resurrected in our own time.