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« For the sake of Jerusalem | Main | FYI - Nothing New Under the Sun »

Monday, 26 November 2007


gives new meaning to the term "rock star." Slimy little weasles. And that rock throwing Arab is a piece of garbage, too.
WHAT'S THE CONNECTION? ...between the ... (a) {The British installed Placentinian Haj Amin Al Husseini meeting with Der Shickelgrubber to coordinate Arab support for Hitler's war of extermination of Jews.} ....and .... (b) {The one day (how much time will it take to sign a surrender document) Annapolis Inquisition?} ...And the answer is, they will have both happened on the 28th of November. The first in 1941, and the second scheduled for this coming Wednesday. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings, but America will officially become toast on that day. The show is over, you can all go home now, unless you want to wait for the finale. Personally, I like to leave early, because it's easier to get out of the parking garage if one can avoid all that traffic. P.S. - Do go to a Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen near you on the 29th of Novemeber. It will help, really! Goodnight.

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