If you haven't signed this petition, please consider doing so now.
McCain, Clinton, and Obama need to hear from us that meaningless platitudes and weak leadership won't cut it anymore to make you Israel's best friend. Let's demand strong American leadership that will stop meddling in the conflict between the Arabs and the Israelis. The only path to peace and security for the whole Middle East is to allow the parties to resolve their conflicts without outside interference.If you truly care about Israel, the US-Israel special relationship and America's credibility in the Middle East, what you should say to commemorate Israel's 60th Birthday:
When I am President::: I will stand by Israel's need for safe and secure borders and refrain from pressuring Israel to make dangerous territorial concessions;
:: I will support Israel's steadfastness as an ally against terrorist states and entities such as Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Fatah.
:: I will not waste U.S. dollars propping up the ineffectual Palestinian Authority, which continues to incite hatred in the Palestinian media, mosques and schools.
:: I will make sure the United States uses its veto power to protect Israel from one-sided resolutions at the U.N.
:: I will do all these things because this is what constitutes real friendship to Israel and all the peoples of the region and contributes to American interests, security, and standing in the Middle East.
You don't even have to be Jewish to sign!
#67 - DAVID - I as an American citizen and Christian believe that we owe Israel our protection since we owe our history, past, code of laws, and future to the state of Israel. Stop funding terrorism and stop negotiating with people that want to kill us!!!#78 - John Ramirez - As an Indegious Native Ameican we count a friend as one that dose not tell ones friend what they must do, but we standby them when call on no matter the call, and I am that way. America needs to be also with Yisrael
Surely there are more than 81 people who agree that the U.S. should not support an ineffectual and hate-mongering Palestinian Authority and should stop pressuring Israel to make concessions.
So where are you people?
Let's see if we can't break 100 by Shabbos. CLICK HERE to send the petition to your friends and family.