I tried to turn my depressed state to some good purpose today. Wrote this and submitted for consideration to Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors Los Angeles, where I sometimes function as a helper. We'll see if it wakes up any Jewish non-combatants :)
CJHSLA urges world Jewry to make the ultimate concession for peace"Why should we wait for the Arabs?" asks CJHSLA founder and president De-Do. "We could end the cycle of violence today if we wanted."
CJHSLA believes that the time has come for Jews to admit that there is no hope, (and that Eli Wiesel’s idea of inventing hope is just not realistic). After thousands of years of yearning to return to Zion and live quietly in peace in our homeland, it has now become crystal clear that no amount of safety exists for Jews anywhere on this planet, especially in the cradle of Jewish civilization.
When people want Jews dead so badly that bulldozers are used as weapons of mass murder, and the government of Israel can’t even bring themselves to demolish buildings in the interest of tit-for-tat, then really, what’s the point of going on with this farce?
We Jews are always saying that all we want is peace, but the world remains unconvinced. And no wonder, what have we ever done for peace? Releasing a few convicts here and there, giving up territory after territory, letting Arabs murder us a few at a time, allowing the media to demonize us … and still the wars go on.
Look, we’re hated in most of the world, not allowed to live in Arab countries and the United States would sell us out in a minute for lower prices at the pump. In our own small excuse for a country, we’re hardly more than zombies, fervently listening to the news when not limping from one funeral to the next.
You’ve heard that “this is the moment, this is the time”? CJHSLA agrees. We do need Change, and if we wait any longer, we’ll only be giving Ahmadinejad the satisfaction of wiping us off the globe. And who wants that in the history books? No, CJHSLA urges the Jewish community to go out on a high note. Hamas or Hezbollah will surely lob a rocket into the Kotel (Western wall) any day now and all hell will break loose. And besides, G-d is bound to smote us when we abandon Jerusalem, so why hang around waiting for the next Holocaust?
There is one shortcut to peace and it’s readily available. If we Jews would simply exterminate ourselves, the cycle of violence that haunts this world would be broken once and for all, and the world could know peace. And finally, finally, what we’ve been waiting for all these thousands of years: We will have attained at last the attention, affection and approval of the international community.
CJHSLA therefore calls upon all Jews everywhere to hide under their covers and stop breathing. We’d like to see world peace by Tisha b’Av if possible. Shalom.