An Open Letter to "Liberals," especially Jews for Obama:
Are you blind? How can you not see the possible consequences of your accepting, and promoting, insane and irrational hatred in the service of your own arrogant and uncaring political ambitions? Do you really not understand how this might come back and bite you?
I have watched while you called George Bush "the real terrorist." I have watched while you participated in, or simply accepted, the comparison of George Bush to Hitler. You never objected as the level of civic discourse in this country fell deeper and deeper into the sewer. In fact, you enjoyed the hatred because it was your own.
Then I watched you flip this same irrational and insanely vitrolic hatred over onto the Governor of Alaska when you thought it was to your benefit. You thought it was funny when your man called Sarah Palin a pig and you rushed to spread false rumors that she banned books from public libraries. You have said among yourselves that she is unqualified to lead, and that in the minds of her supporters her only qualification is that she didn't have an abortion. When push came to shove, you didn't support her right to choose, only your own, because you know better than she how to conduct her life. You have ridiculed the name of her Down Syndrome infant son. Or you have sat there silently and allowed others among you to do so. You have mocked her intelligence, her background, her patriotism and absolutely everything about how she looks. You have tried with all your might to destroy her and her family. Or you have sat there silently while your comrades did the dirty work, hoping that you might enjoy the profits afterward.
You are on a spree of hatred the likes of which I have never seen in my life. You don't give a damn what is true or untrue or how people conduct themselves. You would just as soon call John McCain dishonorable as not. It doesn't matter to you if he really is or really isn't, only that he is shamed and summarily defeated. And now you are on an actual witch hunt, accusing Sarah Palin of engaging in witchcraft because a Kenyan Christian evangelical minister blessed her, that she should be protected from evil.
In your blatant hypocrisy, you don't give a damn who Barack Obama really is, as long as he wins. It doesn't concern you in the least that he is connected to terrorists, both foreign and domestic, or that he can sing the Islamic call to prayer with a "first-rate accent." And you think it's just fine that he sat in a church for twenty years, listening to a devoted friend of Louis Farrakhan call on Gd to "damn America." You like that Obama is black, that his father was from Kenya, and that he has an Arabic Muslim name -- and you paint that as so shiney-happy-multi-culti, but enter a black Kenyan Christian, and you are suddenly afraid for Western civilization.
You have abandoned all the values that the Jewish people have held for thousands of years. You have abandoned the values that in recent times have made America a beacon of light and freedom for all the people of this world. You have abandoned the "cause" of the Enlightenment. You have abandoned the value of truth. You have abandoned all decency.
And you think you can get away with this?
I have told this story dozens of times on this blog, but I will tell it one more time. Several years ago, I was listening to Israeli talk radio when someone called in to the Tovia Singer show and asked if the Jews were safe in America. Tovia said, sure they are... until the economy tanks. History has shown time and time again that in such situations, the Jews are blamed.
Well, the (global) economy is tanking now. And you fools, you desperate fools, you don't see that you have paved the way for your own destruction. You who have allowed George Bush to be called Hitler, you who have sat there and failed to defend truth and decency, you who have laughed at the hideous tactics employed against those you thought were your enemy, you are now in deep, deep trouble.
Don't you see? Because you have not defended truth and decency - in fact you have destroyed every shred of it - it's not going to be there to come to your aid should this viral hatred next be turned on YOU.
I grew up as a non-Jew, but I was very blessed to have a mother who understood the Holocaust. When I was very young, she used to tell me that it could happen again, to anyone. She would say to me that next time, the target could be people with blue eyes or green eyes, it could be you -- that is, it could be me.
So I have news for you liberals, especially the Jews among you: it could be you next. If ugly and irrational hatred can jump from George Bush to Sarah Palin with hardly a moment's consideration, it can jump anywhere. And with the American economy collapsing, chances are it could jump back to the Jews. The Jews in this country could easily be subjected to the same sort of ridicule, scorn and demonization that you have poured onto political conservatives simply because they don't agree with you. You yourselves opened Pandora's box. You have embraced evil because you mistakenly thought - not that you would serve it, but that it would serve you. And in doing so you have left yourselves defenseless.
Once it starts, once you feed evil, give it the freedom to grow, the oxygen on which to subsist, you won't be able to control it. It will travel, almost naturally, to areas where it can flourish, where there is weakness and cowardice, where there is a lack of truth and decency. And look at that -- that's just what you've created not only for yourselves, but for all of us.
I have only one thing more to say. Just don't come crying to me when and if you are belittled, shamed, scorned and lied about. Don't ask me to tell the truth on your behalf, because you have destroyed the truth. Don't come to me and cry for fairness, when you have cared for none and showed none.
The Nazis may be all but gone, but their blueprint for the annihilation of the Jewish people is - literally - as old as Islam, and it's alive and well in the aggressive march of what they call Jihad. It can be effectively utilized at any time... in your direction.
You stupid fools, didn't you realize when you cheered Obama throwing his family and friends under the bus that you could be next? Don't you understand that if you participate in vicious hatred, it can come back and bite you?
If the Gd of Israel can reach you in this new year, number 5769 since the Creation, I hope and pray that He will. Because I haven't had any luck at all. As far as I can tell, He has hardened your hearts (and minds) just like He did Pharoah's. Of course, I do not know and could never come close to conceiving what His Plan might be, but it looks like to me that it could easily involve reaping what you have sown.
Before you open your mouth to accuse Sarah Palin of witchcraft, you might want to think about Jews being burned at the stake. It's happened before and we are still a stiff-necked people.
It is a terrible insult to Gd and to the Six Million that we didn't learn a thing from the last Holocaust. We didn't even learn to fear evil. Or to choose life.
May Gd save us from ourselves, and redeem us in the merit of those who came before. And did better.
Meanwhile in news from the UK, a book publisher has been firebombed and we've seen the first suicide of this so-called "credit crunch."