Yes, 'twas I (not Ben Shapiro) who uttered the middle name of The One. So sue me. He may be Farrakhan's messiah, but he's not mine. And Gd forbid he should ever be president of my country.
Upon witnessing, listening, or discovering something shocking, it is customary for believers to spit three times to prevent such a tragedy from occurring.
With the election fast approaching, and American Jews still polling strong support for Obama, I cut a YouTube video entitled "The Jewish Case Against Barack Obama."
Part I discusses Obama's advisors.
Part II covers his friends.
Part III touches his running mate and his own statements, and concludes.
OR you can read the gist of Ben Shapiro here;
or as edited by Yours Truly below:
Barack Obama is the most dangerous candidate for the State of Israel since its creation in 1948....
Any American Jew who votes for Obama ought to be ashamed of him or herself. Obama is not in line with a single authentic Jewish principle.(Authentic Judaism, by the way, believes the veracity of the Torah, Oral Torah and Talmud, not bagels, lox, Woody Allen and a copy of the Sunday New York Times.)
.... I believe... any candidate who does not support Israel demonstrates a disturbing lack of allegiance to our only democratic ally in the Middle East and a perverse moral relativism that will hurt America, not merely Israel.
.... Israel does not just represent a family connection for Jews. It represents the ultimate protection for Jews the world over....Israel remains the last refuge for all Jews, and a guarantor of their safety, even abroad. The future of Israel, then, matters to all Jews....
Obama’s foreign policy advisors have been
almost uniformly anti-Israel.
Samantha Power, one of Obama’s earliest supporters, has suggested that American troops be placed on the ground in Israel to protect Palestinian Arabs against “human rights abuses.” Power was a senior foreign policy advisor to Obama until she was forced to resign after calling Senator Hillary Clinton “a monster” in March 2008.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor, serves as a foreign policy advisor to Obama. He believes that the Jewish lobby forces America into pro-Israel policy, and he defends Carter’s anti-Semitic book, “Peace, Not Apartheid.”
General Merrill McPeak, Obama’s campaign co-chair, agrees with Brzezinski that the Jewish lobby, based in “New York City, Miami,” controls America’s Middle East policy.
Robert Malley, who served on President Clinton’s National Security Council, has stated that America ought to simply impose its Middle East solution on Israel. He served as an advisor to Obama until the media discovered that he was holding regular meetings with Hamas.
Obama’s friends, too, are far too anti-Israel for comfort.Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor of 20 years, has blamed America’s pro-Israel policy for 9/11. Wright is close with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, who has proclaimed Obama “the Messiah.”
Obama is also friends with former Palestine Liberation Organization spokesman Rashid Khalidi, an ardent foe of the Jewish State. Khalidi held a fundraiser for Obama in 2000. In 2003, he told a Palestinian Arab crowd, “You will not have a better Senator under any circumstances.”
Obama himself has demonstrated his ambivalence about Israel. Before the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in July 2008, he stated that he supported an undivided Jerusalem. After pressure from Palestinians, he backtracked within 24 hours.He also declares that he will meet the leaders of Iran without preconditions, despite the fact that Iran wishes to turn Israel into radioactive wasteland.
Barack Obama is no friend to American Jews....I challenge American Jews to hear the true facts about Obama before voting....