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Sunday, 12 October 2008


. We must never fear, resist or mock the precious and ever peaceful Islam. Who are we to say that raping 6 year-olds is immoral? Who are we to say that stoning gays and rape victims to death is evil? Who are we to say that killing hundreds of people every week in the name of Allah is the height of evil? That is just their culture and it MUST be respected. Morality is all relative, we must remember that. http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/ . absurd thought - God of the Universe wants all planets Islamic... Earth is one of many in process of conversion... . absurd thought - God of the Universe wants many Taliban planets... stonings and beheadings billions served daily... . absurd thought - God of the Universe says allow Islamic conquest... enjoy the dhimmi life of second class citizens... . absurd thought – God of the Universe says convert the infidels... or make them pay a tax if they don’t want to die... . All real freedom starts with freedom of speech. If there is no freedom of speech there can be no real freedom. . http://libertarian.to ... http://haltterrorism.com ... http://lulu.com/USpace :) .

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