Rick Richman nails it: "If Only"
Israel does not defend herself. Instead she reopens her border with Gaza today, to allow 90 trucks to deliver "humanitarian aid" to the very monsters trying desperately to maim and kill Israelis -- as often as 60 times in a day, just the day before yesterday.
Cabinet Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said the humanitarian shipment was meant to be a message to the people of Gaza that they were not Israel's enemy.
Excuse me? If the people of Gaza are not Israel's enemy, then Israel has no enemies.
Sderot, with Gaza City in the background
If we're going to let them eat jam in Gaza, then what's the point of Ha Tikva - the hope, the State of Israel, or the IDF?
Might as well go ahead and disband and disarm the state and send the Jews packing, back to what is left of the diaspora. It's time to admit that, at least on the face of it, there simply is no safe haven for Jews in this world.
I would like to say that the state of Israel tried and failed, but it didn't even try.
Mah tikva? What hope?