"Who knows that the spirit of the children of men is that which ascends on high and the spirit of the beast is that which descends below to the earth?"
-- Shlomo HaMelech /Solomon, King in Jerusalem
This morning's "Middle East headlines" are typical of our time, and if you can't see the anti-Israel, Jew-hating slants in them, then I can't help you.
Arabs who hack Jewish children to death with axes, or blow them up in buses, or crush them with bulldozers are not monsters, they are victims. As such, they are entitled to billions of dollars from Americans and should be handed their country on a silver platter. They should be given a country... not because they are so intent on building a better life for their people, but because they cannot manage themselves in the least and consistently put all their resources toward the hatred and mass killing of Jews. And p.s., their country has to be right smack dab in the cradle of Jewish civilization. And it must be Jew-free. Judenrein. Within living memory of the Shoah, the word doesn't bother people anymore. Ethnic cleansing is fine, as long as it's Jews, sufficiently dehumanized and villified before, during and after, as evil, dangerous "settlers."
On the other hand, note that Arabs viciously killing one another is just a "feud" - or a "power stuggle" - hardly worth mentioning. So what if Hamas throws people off the tops of building and sets up command and control centers in hospitals? Arab rights trump "human rights" every time. And that's because of Jews. If Arabs weren't the enemies of Jews, they wouldn't be in the headlines and no one would waste their money or their sympathy on them.
In case you haven't gotten my point after six years of blogging, the press is anti-Jew. Or pro-terrorist. Either way, it's poison. Dangerous poison.
"... in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge, increases pain."
Six years ago I was even more of a fool than I am now. I thought that if I pointed out their bias, the "journalists" would realize the error of their ways, fix it, and apologize. Of course they've done nothing of the sort and if anything, their rhetorical rampage against the legitimacy of the existence of the only Jewish country in the world has only deepened. And widened. And one day it will eat you too.
Who's going to stop it? Not me; I tried. I tried for six days a week for six years. I tried in nearly 10,000 blog posts (and that doesn't even count the first year and a half at the old address).
Yesterday was my 6th blogiversary and I couldn't even blog. There is nothing left for me to say. It's all in the archives -- a modern, electronic version of Anne's diary. But I am stopping before they come for me, because I am not "a Young Girl." I don't want the world's sympathy or empathy or to be remembered wistfully. I want to live. And be free. And flourish and prosper. Which brings us to the American Dream.
It's funny/odd that my blogiversary coincides collides with the ever-so-grand culmination of Barack Obama's First One Hundred Days as President. When asked "What does your wife do? " The Husband often answers, "She is saving the world." I wish I could have. I wish I could have saved America from Barack Hussein Obama. In a hundred days he has turned this country upside down and inside out, and ruined it... for generations to come. He will set up a cardboard socialist regime in its place, run by radical leftist baby boomers and Muslims. A cheap dictatorship with no gravitas. There will be no more Thomas Jefferson or Founding Fathers. No more principles. No more freedom. In no time at all, America will be Cuba writ large.
Even now, Government is the only act in town. If you want your business to continue, then you do business with or through the Government. That's where the money is, and the only growth. Soon you will have to go to the Government if you are sick. Good luck with that.
You can feel the freedom seep away (along with relative safety and general prosperity). Sure, you can still smoke cigarettes - the President does - but they are suddenly unaffordable by way of new taxes (another reason I have to quit blogging). The new taxes will go to your government health care for which you won't qualify since you smoke. And sure, you can still build one of those (Ew-dirty) coal-fired power plants, but the government will bankrupt you if you try. Besides, they already have that revenue ($64.5 billion a year) built into the Budget. All in the name of Crises -- cum opportunities.
What's half a million unemployed coal miners, anyway? People don't care for them to begin with, so when the unemployment figures come out, you just repeat some "bushtorture" and Halliburton buzzwords, maybe a little Madoff or "executive bonuses," and get ACORN to whip up a demonstration - duly regurgitated by the media which surrendered truth to power long ago. It's easy... you summon up the ghost of Dick Cheney as Darth Vader and throw some red (herring) meat to the liberal masses. Or you can give a speech about race and villify the few remaining "typical white people." Meanwhile, you make it nearly impossible for them to buy, sell or have the guns and ammo they're always clinging to. And religion? Pff. How non-progressive can you get? Christians are ridiculed right of out of any conversation in the public forum. And everyone knows the Jews are scared (it seems to be in our DNA now, not to rock the boat while it sinks). And sure, you can protest all this - like the tea partiers did over out-of-control spending and the specter of the hyperinflation to follow - but the media will ridicule and demonize you and the FBI will investigate you. Do you get my drift? Sure, there's a Constitution, but you just ignore it, act like it doesn't exist, and corruption can easily triumph over The People. It already has.
There is such a thing as Evil, boys and girls. It looks real pretty and it's very charming. And it will make your life not worth living. Yes, I happen to think the Obama administration has fully demonstrated this in a mere one hundred days. And I would tell you yet again why I think it's mixed up with jihad, but what's the point? Not enough people listened and now it's too late. There's no point trying to wake you up anymore, not if you cheered Scooter Libby's imprisonment but are willing to give Nancy Pelosi a pass... or two or three. And besides, it's not like you could stop George Soros, even if you wanted to.
You still have good bloggers to read - Rick and Omri and Sultan Knish. And there are some people at American Thinker and contentions who "get it." Plus you should keep up with Carl and Caroline Glick in Israel, where free thought still flourishes. And luckily there are still two American newspapers as yet unafraid - the IBD and the WSJ. You can find out what's happening if you want to. You don't need me for that. And I don't need to point out bias anymore. It's so way beyond that now.
Those of you who didn't think twice when you heard Obama's "uncle" and preacher call for Gd and the congregation to damn America will have to learn the hard way that these people mean what they say, from Jeremiah Wright to Hamas to Ahmadinejad. All you have to do is heed their words. Obama is doing his best to damn America, and there will be no Hope of stopping him until you come to see that.
"Everything has an appointed season, and there is a time for every matter under the heaven."
I have made dear, dear friends through this blog and have enjoyed the support of several loyal readers who have stuck with me through all my craziness, ups and downs, considerations and re-considerations. As much as I am deeply grateful, we have now come to a time that is no longer the same. I cannot go into a seventh year as if it were like all the other years. This seventh year will be for me like the seventh day, like a Shabbes, a sabbatical. I hope I can separate and elevate this year, and make it holy - okay, holier - than the six that came before. I have to at least try.
Your assignment in my absence is to study up on the "footsteps" or the "heels" of Moshiach. We are in a lowly time and place; the heels - our generation - are found far and away low down from the head... but essential to standing. It takes years to understand Jewish thinking, that it's not either/or but can be both. Embrace that paradox and remember that there is no greater blueprint for our existence -past, present and future- than the Torah. You are less well equipped to learn it than previous generations, but at the same it's never been more accessible. You can simply click your way to it from the comfort of your home or office.
.... what is needed for settling our minds and clarifying our faith we certainly possess. The Lord, Gd, did not create a condition whereby belief would be undermined through inability to resolve a matter....
....it is of the deep counsel of the Blessed One to so orient things that they will resolve themselves into an ordinance of good alone, with no existence whatsoever for evil in the world....
.... He allows evil to intensify itself to its fullest possible extent, that is, until, but not including the destruction of the universe...
Have faith. Be strong. Save yourselves. And remember that life and liberty were Torah concepts thousands of years before the American War of Independence. Like the Torah they come from, they are eternal. [I notice that it could very well have been that "pursuit of happiness" part that got us into trouble over here.]
So, Good Shabbes. I know it's asking a lot, but may God bless America, the Jewish people and the state of Israel. Ameyn.
------------ Just in case my resolve weakens - or I come up with something new to say that I haven't already said numerous times - I'll install some kind of a feed so you can sign up to get any new posts by email. -----------
Posted by: Michael | Tuesday, 28 April 2009 at 11:17 AM
Posted by: Debbie Schlussel | Tuesday, 28 April 2009 at 10:10 PM
Posted by: Madelyn Steele | Tuesday, 28 April 2009 at 11:49 PM
Posted by: Dana | Wednesday, 29 April 2009 at 01:27 AM
Posted by: WV.Hillbilly | Wednesday, 29 April 2009 at 05:52 PM
Posted by: Tom Glennon | Wednesday, 29 April 2009 at 06:20 PM
Posted by: Sultan Knish | Thursday, 30 April 2009 at 12:48 AM
Posted by: chana | Thursday, 30 April 2009 at 12:58 AM
Posted by: Phil | Thursday, 30 April 2009 at 04:51 PM
Posted by: Larry | Thursday, 30 April 2009 at 10:00 PM
Posted by: madeleine7 | Saturday, 02 May 2009 at 03:45 AM
Posted by: Hope | Tuesday, 05 May 2009 at 02:15 PM