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Thursday, 21 May 2009


Lynne Arons
My son just completed a year of Americoprs NCCC. He needed steel toed boots for rebuilding homes in Louisiana and Mississippi, he needed steel toed boots when manning an evacuation shelter during Hurricanes Ike and Gustave. The NCCC kids get trained in every Red Cross emergency area, first aid, shelter management and others. Some of them get special fire fighter training and help each year with California Wildfires. They become the supervisors for the short term volunteers that come for a weekend or spring break. My son set up and ran the school library at a school that had been flooded in New Orleans. He could wear his gym shoes for that.
hey do you know how many of our TAX DOLLARS went to fighting a stupid war in Iraq? Where hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis were murdered, and over 3,000 American troops lost their lives? you are a pig.
You make it sound like NCCC is a new program. It's been around for years. And most of the projects are manual labor-- building houses and clearing trails of fallen trees and stuff. You need steel toed boots for that. You don't seem to have done very much research before posting your rant. And I don't know why you're so against our tax dollars going to a program that's meant to help Americans. Why not concentrate your unfounded, ill-researched hatred on programs that send all OUR money to people in other countries?
As a current member of the program I can tell you that those boots have saved my feet from being smashed so many times. O_o I love my boots. The descriptions are quite vague, but really there is so much work going on. I basically have 10-hour days, 5 days a week. The project I am currently on is a rebuilding project for New Orleans (which everyone seems to think should be finished by now, but everywhere I look there are houses that are still falling apart from hurricane damage...) I can tell you, the work is exhausting, but so much good comes from it! The National Civilian Community Corps is actually a spin-off of the old Civilian Conservation Corps (FDR's idea). So it's not exactly a new thing. Anyway, I hope you end up doing a little more research...NCCC is such a worthwhile program. It's just that we're a quiet bunch which makes it hard to know exactly what we do...
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