"... and to the Republic for which it stands..."
Jeremy Mayer @ Politico wins Oxymoronic Quote of the Day for this entry:
"... it is, at its core, anti-republican and nepotistic for a citizen to gain access to formal power via blood or marriage....
For now, the White House knows that [Michelle] Obama is an extraordinarily popular voice for the president’s policies. It would be foolish not to deploy her, now and on the campaign trail in 2012. We can only hope that she avoids a HillaryCare fiasco with her policy input."
Even after admitting - in writing - that it would be "anti-republican and nepotistic," Mayer still suggests further legitimizing and empowering the "policy input" of the First Lady.
Wikipedia explains:
In modern political science, republicanism refers to a specific ideology that is based on civic virtue and is considered distinct from ideologies such as liberalism.
This is why our universities - and indeed, our entire country - are in such deep, deep trouble. Unfortunately, we are all apt to get what Mayer wants ... and what he and his ilk deserve.