Since ABC's Jake Tapper has felt compelled to block birthers from his twitter, I thought it only fair to occasionally post newsbits For Birthers Only. As far as I can tell, these much-maligned folks are among the most intellectually curious and passionately patriotic citizens in America, and seem to view the integrity of the Constitution as overriding their own self-interest. I for one find that refreshing.
See for example this hero to the birthers, attorney Orly Taitz:
.... Please, keep in mind that I’d rather be a puching bag and get a dose of humility and provide some information to the public, then worry about my ego and self importance and pass an opportunity to brake through the wall of silence of our corrupt main stream media. Any tid bit of information [slipping]through is better [than] silence.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot... the promised newsbit.
Senate Affirms Obama’s U.S. Citizenship
... with no debate and by voice vote, the Senate on Tuesday adopted a resolution (
S Res 225) declaring that “the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961,” indirectly affirming Obama’s status as a natural-born citizen — a requirement for presidential candidates under Article II of the Constitution. The language was part of a three-page, nonbinding resolution sponsored by Hawaii Democrats Daniel K. Inouye and Daniel K. Akaka honoring the 50th anniversary of Hawaii’s statehood. It is identical to language the House approved 378-0 [with 55 not voting], in a separate resolution (
H Res 593) on July 27 [sponsored by Neil Abercrombie, D-Hezbollah] ....
You didn't follow those last links, did you? Okay, I'll make it even easier for you (or put another way, even harder for you to escape the information).
Neil Abercrombie has the distinction of being The Only Member of Congress to have met Barack Obama when Obama was a child. Abercrombie was a friend of Obama's father in graduate school at the University of Hawaii in the early 1970s and a lifelong friend and supporter of The Won himself.
Abercrombie was also the ONLY "No" vote in a Congressional resolution that America shouldn't give foreign aid to a Palestinian government controlled by those who call for Israel's destruction. This vote and similar others have led to this distinction:
Critics of Abercrombie say his record shows he is one of the nation’s most “anti-Israel” and pro-terrorist members of Congress.
Oh, and btw, any background information I've provided here is also For Birthers Only. We wouldn't want any reporters in dhimmedia to get a hold of it, now would we? Heaven forfend... they might have to break their silence.