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« IMPEACH OBAMA! | Main | Waxman severs discussions with Blue Dog Democrats »

Sunday, 26 July 2009


"Pg 429 Lines 13-25 - The govt will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order." An "end-of-life order"???? How do you spell "Dr. Joseph Mengele, M.D.?"
"Those Jews who consider [Leon Trotsky's] presence in the [Kremlin] a great comfort . . ." What a bunch of dopes.
"Those Jews who consider Rahm Emanuel's presence in the White House a great comfort, even an "insurance policy" against any threat to the safety of American Jews, should note . . ." They should note that President B-HO was willing to throw jeremiah wright--his "pastor" of 20 years--under the bus. They should note that President B-HO was willing to throw HIS OWN MOTHER under the bus. What on earth makes you think that rahm not-emanuel won't likewise be thrown off the bus, should he ever displease President b. hussein obama?
. . . And even if, perhaps, this PRESENT administration had no intention of perpertrating such selektions, this quote-unquote "National Healthcare" proposal would give the federal government the POWER and AUTHORITY to do so at some time in the future. Is that what you really want? Are you really willing to *give* them that kind of power?
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