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« The Jewish Case Against Barack Obama, as of Oct. 15, 2008 | Main | IMPEACH OBAMA! »

Friday, 24 July 2009


Hilarious! The Democrats have a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and their agenda is stalled. Republicans don't have the votes to stop it! Its Democratic divisions that keep them from passing the legislation they want.
Julie Woodward
If you are blaming this purely upon the republicans my friend you are even more fool than I. There has been some pretty slimy democrats as well as republicans. Can you truly offer these mens name up for the chopping block without first laying forth there administration to be perused and read by the public who votes for them. It would be rash to vote against them simply because they wear the label republican. Is the stamp democrat much better? Also, to the health reform bill, Obama is not to blame because he didn't write it. If you read carefully any of the 1000 page health care reform bill you should be concerned. Here's a few higlights. pg30 government committee will decide what treatmentsand benefits you will get.pg 50 All non-us citizens, illegal or not,will be provided with healthcare services. Pg 65 tax payers will subsidize all union retiree and comunity organizer health plans.pg 84 All private healthcare must participate in the health care exchange.pg 124 no company can sue the government for price fixing, which means no kind of "judical review" of their actions.pg 127, government will set doctors wages. pg 354 Government will restrict erollment of special needs individuals.pg 427 government mandates program that orders end of life treatment pg 429Advance care planning consultant will be used to dictate treatment as patient's health deteriorates. pg 430 Government will decide what level of treatments you may have at end of life.Pg 425 Everyone on social security will go to mandatory counseling every 5 years to learn and choose from ways to end your suffering. This may not sound serious, but I gaurentee you if you read through the bill you may find something that is unsettling. I hope who ever wrote this bill is willing to except the same measure of care they lay forth. Please read the Bill, you may be suprised. I do not blame Obama for this at all, but even the president can not read and see all of whats going on, especially when he is off around the country trying to reassure people and bring change to a nation in drastic need of an overhaul. If this bill goes through without some major clarification and rewriting I fear the change that will be wrought will be irreersible. When you read the bill set forth consider your family, your friends, your country and lastly yourself.
Julie Woodward
by the way, there was alot of good I saw too. It definately wasn't all bad. I only have about the last 450pages to read
Julie Woodward
you can read the bill on line by typing healthcare reform plan. Several sites come up that you can get to it from

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