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Sunday, 18 September 2011


Mannie Sherberg
Aw c'mon, Yael -- be fair! The contributions of the palestinians (don't think we BtB readers aren't alert -- we spot things like that denigratory lower-case "p") to the forward march of civilization are almost too numerous to list: e.g., the invention of airplane hijacking; the first mass murder of Olympic athletes during the actual conduct of the Olympic Games; the invention of a new method of "disposing" of the weak and helpless (e.g., throwing a wheel-chair- bound man overboard at sea}; pulling off the biggest heist in the history of the world by getting sucker countries like the U. S. to pay vast amounts of money to maintain palestinians in "refugee" camps that the PA could get rid of in five minutes if they wanted to; pulling off the biggest con in the history of the world by convincing the entire planet that there really is such an entity as "the palestinians"; giving new meaning to the word "chutzpah" by signing treaties (e.g., the Oslo Accords) that they have absolutely no intention of respecting -- and getting away with it ... I'm getting a cramp in my fingers so I'll have to stop typing, but I think I've already provided sufficient evidence to prove that you really have, Yael, maligned a group of folks whose historic achievements have been -- and continue to be -- nothing less than monumental. I know it may be hard to admit that, but -- gee whiz -- fair is fair!
"...unless I'm missing some great contribution they've made." For more "information" about the "great" "contributions" to world civilization made by the muslim "cultures" (including the "palestenians") go to www.nasa.gov, or watch this brief informational video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlcNUq77_LM That is, after all, one of NASA primary purposes.

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