Hot Air has posted "Rick Perry's best ad yet" --
As The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis tweeted, “Who is this guy and why doesn’t HE run for president???”
South Carolina is Rick Perry’s last-ditch effort and he’s not even polling in the top three there. The outlook is bleak for Texas’ jobs governor, and we’re very nearly left with the thought of what might have been had he only been able to remember the Department of Energy. Then again, the gist of this ad is that Perry isn’t prepared to give up yet — and he’s never lost an election in his life. Do you believe in miracles?
At RedState, Erick Erickson has "moved on" and thinks we should start concentrating on Congress:
.... With the prospect of electing an unpredictable Republican president, in conjunction with tepid leadership in Congress, it is vital that we choose Republicans who will stand on principle, not benchwarmers who will merely serve as yes-men for leadership.
Last year, many of us thought we achieved a historic breakthrough by electing 87 “Tea Party” freshmen. Undoubtedly, many of them have been stalwart fighters for liberty and the limited government principles that buoyed them into office. Unfortunately, many of them voted for the debt deal and every single spending bill, in violation of multiple campaign pledges. Indeed, many of them are anything but Tea Party leaders.
Not what I would call a cheer-me-up.