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« Michelle Obama: "Hope is still there." | Main | Newest Gubmint Giveaway: Free Air Conditioners »

Friday, 13 July 2012


Mannie Sherberg
Obama has something better than a plan -- he has an October surprise. He will go on prime-time TV early in October to reveal some earth-shattering information to the American people: Mitt Romney is a secret Jew. Along with this epochal disclosure will come three others: (1) Romney, who masquerades under an alias, is really Mitchell Rothschild, a scion of the notorious clan of Jewish plutocrats -- and himself the organizer of the conspiracist Elders of Zion; (2) when he is not conspiring to take over the world, Romney/Rothschild dabbles in the occult arts; his most notable achievement to date was the creation of the Golem of Prague; he is now working on the Golem of Washington, who will become his chief-of-staff if he wins the White House; (3) on his soon-to-happen visit to Israel, Romney/Rothschild met with his cousin and co-conspirator Benjamin Netanyahu -- who is really Bernard Rothschild - and together they put the finishing touches on their plot to dominate the entire planet. As soon as these long-held secrets are divulged by the president, all hell will break loose on the American political scene. The polls will change drastically overnight. Romney/Rothschild will win the election in a historic landslide.
The Spin Master is no DJ but the POTUS? Too many Voters fell for the lies on top of lies.
Another four years of an avowed Muslim disciple of Marixism; an anti-Semitic; anti-fee enterprise; anti-Consitution president; a destroyer of the economy; a traitor to our nation; an anti-U.S.Military Commander-in-Chief . . . . What's wrong with that?
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