The president says he... wants to do a better job of explaining to the public how his policies will help the economy grow.
Obama claims he didn’t do a good enough job selling Americans on the stimulus plan and the auto company bailout because he was so focused on acting to fix the economy.
“[W]e were in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime crisis, so we had to just do stuff fast. And sometimes it wasn’t popular,” Obama told Time.
"And we didn’t have the luxury of six months to explain exactly what we were doing with the Recovery Act, which was basically a jobs act and making-sure-middle-class-families-didn’t-fall-into-poverty act.”
Forget for a minute that the "stimulus" may have cost as much as $4.1 Million per job, and that both the assets and the income of the middle class have lost considerable ground these last four years. I know it's trite, but I am appalled by the president's language. This is NOT how a President of the United States of America normally speaks. In this quote, at least, Obama sounds like some kind of a street thug! What happened to the Harvard education, the attention to "narrative," the Soaring Rhetoric?
Maybe all that no longer matters to the Dims; maybe the NYT is right, and all they have left are their "Emotional Ties to Obama."
"News analyst" Jim Rutenberg explains on today's front page:
"Representative Paul D. Ryan may have painted a biting picture on Wednesday night when he referred to the faded Obama poster hanging above unemployed college graduates' childhood beds, but the poster was still there, after all."
So who are the bitter clingers NOW?