I was considering a juxtaposition - of this and this, suggested by a friend - so I went looking for a pic of the Oval Office with that incessant bowl of apples on the coffee table. But eh, the Obama Oval Office has always left me cold... apples and all.
Then I came across this.

This painting, by California artist Ed Ruscha, was chosen in 2009 - by Michelle Obama, the Obamas' decorator Michael Smith and White House curator William Allman - to hang in the central hall of the White House. It's called "I think I'll..." and according to the New York Times, "deals with the subject of indecision."
As it turns out, however, in its present installation the painting deals with whim -- as in,
"Maybe yes" [I'll take over the healthcare industry.]
"Wait a minute," [I could take over the entire economy.]
"On second thought, maybe" ... [I'll crash the economy].
"Maybe..." [ fill in the blank ] "No..."
"I'll... [ fill in the blank ]