Never in all my ten years of blogging have I seen BOTH Israel and the U.S. in such bad shape at the same time. Carl in Jerusalem reports --
Cabinet approves terrorist release
For: Netanyahu, Steinitz, Yaalon, Saar, Lapid, German, Peri, Piron, Cohen, Livni, Peretz, Landver and Aharonovitch
Against: Bennett, Ariel, Orbach, Landau, Shamir, Erdan, Katz
Abstain: Livnat, Shalom.
I had been hoping that Netanyahu was saying Yes only because he knew his Cabinet would say No. As it turns out, not only did Israel fail to gain the release of Jonathan Pollard from U.S. captivity, not only did the Prime Minister and Cabinet agree to release terrorists who will -without a doubt- attempt to murder Israelis again, but according to Esther Sarah (who is brave enough to read ALL gorey details in the news), they are releasing convicts who are Arab citizens of Israel. This aspect is apparently unprecedented. Who could have guessed that John Kerry's arm could reach so far into that country?
And all to attract Abu Mazen just to sit at the negotiating table. And of course, unlike the Jew in the room, the other two peace-processing "partners" need make no preconditional concessions whatsoever. Been here, done this.
So here's the parlor guessing game of the day:
What did Obama-Kerry promise Bibi? That the U.S. would take out the Iranian nukes? That the U.S. would somehow "back" Israel when she takes out the Iranian nukes? Or that the ObamaNation would refrain from criticizing Israel when Israel saves the world. again.
Oy, a broch. My heart is on the floor.
Posted by: Jessie | Sunday, 28 July 2013 at 02:17 PM