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Monday, 22 July 2013


Mannie Sherberg
For once, Hollywood got it right: Decapitations (or, for those who prefer, decollates -- a "Frenchier" word that seems only fitting since a Frenchman invented the guillotine) did, and for all I know, still do, use baskets as receptacles for the head. My source for this useless bit of trivia is "The Anarchists Club," a first-rate book about anarchism in 19th-century France, when beheading was often meted out to those who wanted to abolish the French state. The French, with such noteworthy exceptions as Louis Pasteur, have always struck me as among the least civilized people on earth -- which must be why they waste so much of their time boasting about French "civilization." Their behavior during the Vichy years and their attitudes today toward the State of Israel only reinforce my belief.
Walt Gottesman
Usually I agree with Manny wholeheartedly, but lest we forget, the French fleet helped our founding fathers secure the surrender of Cornwallis to win the American Revolution. The French Resistance, despite the Vichy capitulation to the Nazis, helped the Allies win battles in WW II and rescued downed U.S. airmen. Also, France built Israel's nuclear reactor at Dimona in the 1950s. France has had it's ups and downs, but there are quite a few countries that are less civilized than France, imo.
Walt Gottesman
Sorry Mannie, misspelled your name.

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