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« Israeli Cabinet Approves Netanyahu's Agreement to Release Terrorists | Main | Goodbye Hopenchange, Hello Angry Black Man »

Sunday, 28 July 2013


Gary Kolb
Isn't it obvious that the blackmailer in the paradox has been and continues to be the Arabs, and that the party forced to act irrationally is the Israelis? The Arabs refuse to compromise and the Israelis, wanting peace, wanting to avoid international opprobrium, act irrationally by freeing murderers and freezing building permits. The truth is, the valuable in the suitcase is indivisible, but different for each side. The Arabs see in it the 1949 armistice line, the Auschwitz border; the stepping stone to Israel's destruction. The Israelis see in it secure borders, the high ground guarding the coastal plain. Pharaoh's heart has been hardened. What remains to be seen is whether Israel will look to the nations for horses and chariots, or put its trust in HaShem.
Well said, Gary.

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