In the old days of blogging, when a new blog would appear the old hands would often welcome the newcomer with a good word and a link. Back then it was considered simply good blog-manners but that was before the blog 'splosion, at a time when you still had to explain to your friends what a "web log" was!
In honor of that bygone tradition, I'd like to introduce a new blog:
It's a site that aggregates all sorts of news about "one of the most intriguing companies of our time."
.... It is not affiliated with Google in any way, it’s just a fan blog of sorts.... Especially with Google Fiber, Google’s self-driving car and Google Glass, it’s clear that Google is pushing the envelope in ways that no one else is. This blog was created to be able to follow their progress and see how its products are affecting the world....
Check it out. Nothing says welcome to a crowded market like an avalanche of "hits" from new "traffic."