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« What The President Forgot to Remember | Main | Sukkot: Escape to Freedom »

Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Tom Glennon
Yael; Here is another tidbit of news the media won't report. This occurred Thursday. From Townhall.com. "During the second portion of a House Oversight and Government Reform hearing about Benghazi Thursday on Capitol Hill, the majority of Democrats on the Committee left the room and refused to listen to the testimony of Patricia Smith and Charles Woods. Ms. Smith is the mother of Sean Smith, an information management officer killed in the 9/11 Benghazi attack. Charles Woods is the father of Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, who was also killed."
Quite funny article by Kozinski, but the man is no mensch. More than anybody, he created a legacy which has led to wrongdoing like the current IRS Tea Party scandal. While serving as the U.S. Special Counsel, allegedly he did more singlehandedly to destroy the effectiveness of laws protecting government whistle blowers. Government corruption and the fear by government employees to report wrongdoing are repeatedly attributed to his legacy. Not an admirable man.

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