55 pct disapprove;
45 pct strongly so.
To read more about "Obama's collapsing numbers," see Fred Barnes at the Weekly Standard. And if there are any Obamatons in the audience, as a public service I gladly refer you to these Top 9 Ways to Deal with Betrayal.
Wobbly legs, pounding heart, flip flopping stomach. Feelings of anger, shock, hurt, disappointment, and disbelief. What has caused this range of both physical and emotional responses? Betrayal.
Betrayal happens ... when there is infidelity, abuse, lies, lack of support, broken promises, secrets told, snooping or stealing...
Song 1:
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein ObamaHe said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein ObamaHe said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein ObamaHe said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein ObamaHe said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm! Barack Hussein ObamaYes!
Mmm, mmm, mm Barack Hussein Obama
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!So continue Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray! Hip, hip hooray!