In and of itself, it is no surprise that the Washington Post would smear the Keystone Pipeline by way of the Koch brothers -- who, in the absence of George W. Bush, have become the primary target of the Left's irrational hatred syndrome. After all, given the nature of the Democrats' WAR ON JOBS, the Post can not and will not support the building of the Keystone Pipeline. And what better way to demonize the project than to assert - however falsely - that David and Charles Koch are involved with it, and would benefit from it?
PowerLine's John Hinderaker has taken on the task of battling the lies with truth (more power to him!) so you should take the time to at least read his account:
The bit I find most galling is the "deeper level of corruption," explicated by Hinderaker:
.... Juliet Eilperin is a reporter for the Washington Post who covers, among other things, environmental politics. As I wrote in my prior post, she is married to Andrew Light.
Light writes on climate policy for the Center for American Progress, a far-left organization that has carried on a years-long vendetta against Charles and David Koch on its web site, Think Progress.
Light is also a member of the Obama administration, as Senior Adviser to the Special Envoy on Climate Change in the Department of State. The Center for American Progress is headed by John Podesta, who chaired Barack Obama’s transition team and is now listed as a “special advisor” to the Obama administration.
Note that Ms. Eilperin quoted Podesta, her husband’s boss, in her puff piece on Tom Steyer [the older of the two "fearless" - and some would say, infamous - Steyer Brothers].
Oh, yes–one more thing. Guess who sits on the board of the Center for American Progress? Yup. Tom Steyer.
This kind of incest is common in Washington. You can’t separate the reporters from the activists from the Obama administration officials from the billionaire cronies. Often, as in this instance, the same people wear two or more of those hats simultaneously. However bad you think the corruption and cronyism in Washington are, they are worse than you imagine. And if you think the Washington Post is part of a free and independent press, think again.